The graph below shows the percentage contribution by sector: S&P 500 Sector Break-Down (Source: S&P Fact Sheet) SPY Stock Index: What is the S&P 500 Today? Checking the daily performance of the S&P 500, assuming it is a trading day in which the financial markets are open, can be easily...
Company% of Index Apple7.0 Nvidia6.4 Microsoft6.4 Alphabet6.2 Amazon3.8 Meta2.4 Eli Lilly1.8 Broadcom1.6 Tesla1.4 JPMorgan Chase1.2 We can see how today’s tech giants have come to dominate the S&P 500 by looking at their relatively high percentage share of the index. The reason for this is...
On the other hand, there are equal-weight S&P 500 ETFs, in which each S&P 500 company accounts for roughly the same portion of the fund. Recently, these have grown in popularity. In December and heading into the new year, I believe investing in a standard, market-cap-weighted S&P 500 ...
Since September 30, the earnings growth rate for the S&P 500 has increased by 0.7 percentage points (to 0.4% from -0.3%). Here areS&P 500 company earnings callsfor the week of October 16 - 20. This blog post is for informational purposes only. The information contained in this...
In the current S&P 500, almost 60% of companies are classified by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes as manufacturing or finance, insurance and real estate. The chart below quantifies audit fees as a percentage of revenue from 2016 to 2018. Retail has the lowest audit fees as a...
Figure 3 highlights the percentage changes in Core Earnings and SPGI’s Operating Earnings from 2004 to present (through 3/11/22). The difference between the measures is driven by flaws in legacy datasets (detailed in The Journal of Financial Economics) that lead to a failure to...
Figure 5 charts the percentage change in our Core Earnings and SPGI’s operating earnings and clearly illustrates that SPGI’s operating earnings took a more pronounced decline during the financial crisis and have yet to align with Core Earnings. ...
Percentage of Fund not covered as of Sep 3, 2024 0.10% BlackRock business involvement exposures as shown above for Thermal Coal and Oil Sands are calculated and reported for companies that generate more than 5% of revenue from thermal coal or oil sands as defined by MSCI ESG Research. For...
Companies must meet certain requirement criteria, which are determined by the publishers of the index before being added to the S&P. The S&P 500 index is market capitalization-weighted, where it gives a higher percentage allocation to companies with the largest market cap. A stock must meet certa...
The SPDR SPY has a lowexpense ratioof 0.0945%, which is the cost of managing the fund expressed in percentage terms. The fund has $415.9 billion inassets under management(AUM) as of July 6, 2023.2 Sector Weighting Below are the SPY's top sectors that are represented along with the ...