On this page you'll find the current S&P 500 price to earnings ratio, summary statistics on the maximum, minimum, average, and median P/E reading, and the history of the S&P 500 P/E ratio. Find a S&P 500 PE Ratio visualization and calculator, as well as the monthly P/E ratio histor...
SP 500 Trailiing 12Month PE Ratio 标准普尔 500 指数的市盈率将指数(当前市场价格)除以过去 12 个月的报告收益。2009 年,当收益下降到接近于零时,该比率就失控了。解决这一现象的方法是将价格除以过去 10 ...
Shiller, R
7 Really, Really Cheap ETFs More Articles Select Price, Percent change, or Dollar change as the y-axis. Price Select Area, Line, OHLC or Candlestick as the chart type. Area Volume: Previous Close- Market Cap596.36M PE Ratio- EPS-
During the first quarter of 2018, stocks finally behaved like stocks. The return of volatility served as a jolt that awakens investors from the complacency of the steadily rising market …
See the current and historical S&P 500 price to peak earnings ratio, plus min, max, average, and median. Export monthly data to CSV.
S&P 500 PE Ratio(注:经济周期性,导致反向,高于均值50%) May 1, 2015 S&P 500 PE Ratio: 21.28 Mon Aug 24 Current S&P 500 PE Ratio: 19.08 Mean: 15.55 Median: 14.60 Min: 5.31 (Dec 1917) Max: 123.73 (May 2009) Price to earnings ratio, based on trailing twelve month “as reported” earn...
PE ratio:16x PEG ratio:3.5x SP 500 earnings yield:6.23% vs last week’s 6.07% Year-over-year growth of fwd est:+4.66% vs last week’s 4.76% Summary / conclusion:May ’19 was quite brutal for the SP 500 as the key benchmark is now down 4.5% year-to-date, and both the SP 500...
What is the P/E Ratio Telling Us Now? Since 1936, the S&P 500 P/E ratio for trailing as reported earnings has ranged from 5.9 in June 1949 to 60.2 in December 2008. The average P/E ratio over this period was 15.98. Using the as reported actual earnings as a measurable category, the...
BAC PE Ratiodata byYCharts. Based on management's confident dividend raise, a fairly valued stock, healthy earnings estimates, and the potential for rate cuts in the second half of the year, shares still look like a buy. If the stock sticks near its long-term valuation averages, investors...