Peak fiode recovery voltage slope Qrr nC Vns V/ns IF≤2A,di/dt=200A/μs,VDS=400V VDS=0...400V dv/dt 50 MOSFET dv/dt ruggedness Note : 1. Computed continuous current assumes the condition of TJ_Max while the actual continuous current depends on the thermal & electro...
34、ATOFSIGNETSi.inrfc fioJ-fcwa C-tix ifet«facx L. k ET-EftruA rabxitir Hr Hl VanJcxHnlnsetu p.exe,重启后,出现蓝屏崩溃,0x00000000)htt p:/suppo ntdll.dll文件出了问题。格式化C盘,再重新运行setup.exe,先不重启,看一下C盘的文件情况。WVmT主fi 口 I a彰_I之IBS 5 J生施kd关于I*...
Microsoft has stopped selling Windows XP. So you can’t buy the OS for your computer. If you have already brought it from Microsoft long back, you will have a Serial Key. Thus activation key is necessary to install Windows XP on your PC. You can find two types of licensing agreements t...
Fionana 201302-22 12:05:14 霍建华 ian () 吴彦祖 陈冠希 郑嘉颖 吴卓羲 钟汉良 周柏豪 删除 | 赞 回复 精神亢奋患者(从明天开始每天只玩一小时豆瓣) 2013-02-22 12:24:48 金城武,张震,,玄彬 删除 | 赞 回复 [已注销] 201302-22 12:28:43 [内容不可见] 删除 | 赞 回复 [已...