图1. 不同高温高压条件下回收样品的光学照片 图2. 不同高温高压条件下回收样品的XRD、EELS、UV-可见吸收光谱和原子构型 图3. 近全sp3非晶碳的TEM研究 图4. 近全sp3非晶碳的力学和导热性能 文献链接:“Ultrahard bulk amorphous carbon from collapsed fullerene.” Nature 599, 599–604 (2021). https://doi...
Zhili and A. Brown, "Revisiting the Determination of Carbon sp3/sp2 Ratios via Analysis of the EELS Carbon K-edge," EMC 2008: Vol 1: Instrumentation and Methods, edited by M. Luysberg, K. Tillmann and T. Weirich (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2008) pp. 357-358....
这样的技术的实例包括透射电子显微术(tem)、电子衍射、电子能量损失谱(eels)和/或微拉曼光谱。 在此,使用sp3键合的片来限定其中sp3键合的碳原子的比例大于50%的片。优选地,片中的碳原子的至少70%、至少80%、至少90%或100%是sp3键合的。最优选地,片中的基本上全部碳原子是sp3键合的(换句话说,最优选地,片不...
Using a combined experimental and theoretical approach, we address C 1s core-level shifts in amorphous carbon. Experimental results are obtained by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electron-energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) on thin-film samples of different atomic density, obtained by a puls...
将得到的新型sp2-sp3杂化的Gradia碳通过上海光源(SSRF)硬X射线微聚焦光束线站(BL15U1)、法国HoribaJY公司的LabRAMHREvolution拉曼光谱仪和ThemisZ电镜进行观测,同步辐射XRD结果证明合成出的Gradia碳是一种新结构碳;EELS、拉曼光谱证明其是一种sp2-sp3杂化的碳。 实施例2:以碳纳米管为sp2杂化碳原料制备Gradia碳 (一...
For the EELS analysis, a relatively thin area of the carbon protection layer was used as an amorphous reference spectrum. A carbon K-edge EELS spectrum from the reference and three different areas of the sample are plotted in Fig. 3b). All the spectra are taken while the electron beam was...
Here we report the use of transmission electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) to obtain a map of sp 2 and sp 3 carbon at a spatial resolution of less than a nanometre across the silicon–diamond interface. We find that diamond nucleates on an amorphous carbon layer, with the transition ...
Amorphous Carbon material is evaporated from a solid target and ionized by a high-energy KrF laser and ejected as a plasma plume. The plume expands outwards and deposits the target material on a silicon substrate. Plasma and flow parameters in this plume determine the quality of the film ...
Using spcctroscopic ellipsometry (SE), we have measured the optical properties and optical gaps of a series of amorphous carbon (a-C) films 100-300 thick, prepared using a filtered beam of C + ions from a cathodic arc. Such films exhibit a wide range of sp 3 -bonded carbon contents ...
XAES, XPS, EELS and Raman spectroscopy of polycrystalline to amorphous carbon films with various sp(3) to sp(2) bondingsSerin, VBeche, EBerjoan, RAbidate, ODorignac, DRats, DFontaine, JVandenbulcke, LGermain, CCatherinot, A