Add some blank lines to the top of your SQL commands - Powershell will still write a BOM (Byte Order Mark) there and it looks like it's pretty hard to get it to avoid that - but sqlplus will just go by it, albeit giving an error - but will move on to the rest ...
SP2-0042:unknown command"MGMT_VIEW"-restOFline ignored. SP2-0042:unknown command"SYSMAN"-restOFline ignored. SP2-0044:FORa listOFknown commands enter HELP ANDTOleave enterEXIT. SP2-0042:unknown command"ANONYMOUS"-restOFline ignored. SP2-0042:unknown command"DBSNMP"-restOFline ignored. ...
1.在CMD中启动sqlplussqlplus用户名/密码 2.退出SQL*PlusSQL>exit 3.显示数据库的版本:SQL>show REL...