[English] SP-404MKII App User’s Guide [HTML]Roland软件 最终用户许可协议 本协议为用户(包括自然人及法人)与逻兰(上海)电子有限公司(以下简称Roland)之间订立的协议。 请在下载或安装前认真阅读本协议。如果您不同意本协议条款,请不要下载、安装或使用相关资料。如果您下载、安装或使用了相关资料,则视为您已...
[English] SP-404MKII App User’s Guide Roland Software License Agreement In no event shall Roland Corporation be liable to end-users for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to financial damages for any loss of profits or information arising from the use of, or inability to use ...
[English] SP-404MKII App User’s Guide [PDF]Roland Software License Agreement In no event shall Roland Corporation be liable to end-users for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to financial damages for any loss of profits or information arising from the use of, or inability to...
[English] SP-404MKII App User’s Guide [PDF]Roland软件 最终用户许可协议 本协议为用户(包括自然人及法人)与逻兰(上海)电子有限公司(以下简称Roland)之间订立的协议。 请在下载或安装前认真阅读本协议。如果您不同意本协议条款,请不要下载、安装或使用相关资料。如果您下载、安装或使用了相关资料,则视为您已...
computer at one time. Use of the SOFTWARE shall include loading the SOFTWARE into temporary memory (i.e., RAM) or installing the SOFTWARE into storage media (i.e., hard disk) of the computer on which you will use the SOFTWARE. (b) You may make one copy of the SOFTWARE for backup ...