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PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a method for measuring the depth of skin wrinkles which is capable of gaining highly reproducible measurement results regardless of the measurement conditions as well as the conditions for processing the measurement results, and also capable of mutually comparing the ...
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广汉宏程石油工具有限公司成立于2006年3月9日,位于人杰地灵的成都平原,紧邻闻名海内外的广汉三星堆古遗址。公司占地面积10000余平方米,拥有完整的生产场地和办公场所。公司注册资金1600万元,现有员工30人,其中大专以上学历或中级以上技术人员占20%。 几年来我公司本着诚信、品质、服务三大信念,并配合多年制造经验不断...
Examples of all types of karst relief occur: karren, dolines, cockpit karst and poljes. Their distribution in relation to the geology has been notes and plotted on the accompanying maps. Certain of the landforms are controlled by geological circumstances (for instance cockpit karst requires the oc...