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Ultrasound (US) is increasingly utilised as a point-of-care tool to diagnose early inflammatory joint disease, monitor treatment response and detect subclinical inflammation. This is feasible as US can detect joint, and tendon, inflammation before it becomes clinically apparent. Despite the increasing...
The life cycle of a nonfilamentous marine phycomycete, Dermocystidium sp., is described from its growth in axenic culture under controlled conditions. Reproduction occurs by vegetative means involving a process of cell enlargement and ecdysis modifiable by the methods of cultivation. Zoospores and ...
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型号 LPJ-10SP 技术参数 品牌: 施耐德 型号: LPJ-10SP 数量: 2000 RoHS: 是 产品种类: 电子元器件 最小工作温度: -10C 最大工作温度: 125C 最小电源电压: 2V 最大电源电压: 8.5V 长度: 9.4mm 宽度: 6mm 高度: 1.9mm 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况...
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Question: two identical conducting sphers, fixed in place, attract each other with an electrostatic force of 0.135N when their center to enter seperation is 60.9 cm. The spheres are then connected by a thin conducting wire. When the wire is...
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