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surface plasmon photonic crystal slab (SPPCS)transmissionFor miniaturization of a photodiode, we present a new design concept to increase photogeneration rate in a small active domain by using subwavelength structures consisting of surface plasmon photonic crystal slab (SPPCS) acting like a near-field...
“SP”是什么字体啊!求救? 看着像New Athletic M54, New Athletic M54, Winner Sans Narrow Medium, 赤明工业革命 SC W7, Jersey M54字体。众识社区将帮助你识别字体,寻求网友分享字体识别答案、知识、经验和见解。
sLAB-ONE sLAB-ONE sLAB-Mountain BrotherHood BrotherHood BrotherHood Core Core Core Private Private SP-Binding 以其专利的Fastec而扬名世界 ,世界很多大品牌的固定器都采用的SP的技术,由SP工厂代工。SP-United是欧洲最大的固定器工厂,Made In Eupro,全部为欧洲制造。Festec技术是目前最先进的穿脱技术 ,SP在德国...
In contrast, the finlets of extant Scomber are supported by five to six straight lepidotrichia, which are basally united at the insertion point of the finlets. Despite their anatomical differences, the outline of the finlets nearly coincides in both groups. Therefore, we assume a ...
“SP”是什么字体,大神告知一下,谢谢! ColiseumBlackC, Hu_Batmp, SquareSlabserif711BT-Bold, City-Bold, Downtown字体,我有收藏这款字体。众识社区将帮助你识别字体,寻求网友分享字体识别答案、知识、经验和见解。