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METROID: CROCOMIRE's LAST STAND is Roebloz's second Metroid: Zero Mission hack, this time starring the X parasite mimic SA-X in an alternate timeline where Samus encountered an X instead of The Baby at the end of Metroid II: Return of Samus, taking down the last of the Space Pirates ...
It was a fairly standard case if you follow the newspaper’s timeline. The only stickout point is the nature of the so-called ricin shipment. The theoretical amount, alleged to be enough to kill 1,400. No such amount of pure ricin has ever been accumulated. It is a number with no tr...
DFTimelineView - DFTimelineView仿微信朋友圈 时间轴. HYBImageCliped - 可给任意继承UIView的控件添加任意多个圆角、可根据颜色生成图片且可带任意个圆角、给UIButton设置不同状态下的图片且可带任意圆角、给UIImageView设置任意图片,支持带圆角或者直接生成圆形. StackViewController - 方便 iOS 开发者使用 UIStackVi...
DigMyData | | @digmydata | $39/mo | The analytics dashboard for those who don't have time for analytics | We take your data and present in a beautiful timeline chart. We bet you’ve never seen some of your data – and certainly not all together in one plac...
celebrity and his wife’s music celebrity into some kind of post-football empire. What that will look like isn’t clear yet, but he has time. At 29, he’s said he’d like to play 10 to 15 more years, which would seem to coincide with the likely timeli...
Timeline Wiki: Reflections on the Use of an Innovative Teaching Strategy Learner autonomySFLCLILThe present paper reflects on a project that investigated the use of an alternative presentation form of a wiki: a timeline wiki. ... AN Leveridge - International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for ...
Each stop will feature original artwork, an addition that will take place later in the project’s timeline. Multiple artists will install their pieces at the stops and the artwork will reflect the surrounding community at each location, Holliday said. Even though actual installation of the artwork...