llama_spm = sp_pb2_model.ModelProto() llama_spm.ParseFromString(llama_tokenizer.sp_model.serialized_model_proto()) Dependencies (must be provided for code-related issues) # Please copy-and-paste your dependencies here. Execution logs or screenshots ...
„Před lety si společnost ExaGrid uvědomila, že žádný dodavatel nevytváří úložiště speciálně pro zálohování, protože všichni prodávali produkty primárního úložiště jako cíle zálohování, což je drahé, nebo prodávali zařízení pro inline de...
3.安装PresentAgent # 安装Protobuf相关依赖sudoapt-getinstallautoconf automake libtool# 下载Protobuf源码,此处以将Protobuf存储在用户家目录下为例,开发者也可以自定义Protobuf源码的存储路径。cd${HOME}gitclone -b3.13.x https://gitee.com/mirrors/protobufsource.git protobuf# 编译安装Protobufcdprotobuf ....
git clone -b 3.13.x https://gitee.com/mirrors/protobufsource.git protobuf # 编译安装Protobuf cd protobuf ./autogen.sh ./configure --prefix=${THIRDPART_PATH} make clean make -j8 sudo make install # 进入PresentAgent源码目录并编译,PresentAgent源码存储在samples仓的“cplusplus/common/presenterage...
UM_Protobuf NumberType_Int8 NumberType_Int16 NumberType_Int32 Address_Null Address_MinimumValid FEATURECAP_PLAYERRUNCMD_11PARAMS RoundState_Init RoundState_Pregame RoundState_StartGame RoundState_Preround RoundState_RoundRunning RoundState_TeamWin RoundState_Restart RoundState_Stalemate RoundState_GameOver ...
电源模块 MEROBEL PB2 电源模块 MGV Type:p3094-05121ac Order.5.7240.504 电源模块 PHOENIX END-SL-PS-24DC 电源模块 SBA ART.NR:750-0025 24VDC/2.5A 电源模块 SIEMENS 6ES7 307-1KA01-OAAO 电源模块 TRACO TPM 30215C/input:100~240VAC,0.75A max;output: +/-15VDC 1.0A max 电源模块 TRACOPOWER ...
The structure suggests a model in which cellulose is synthesized at the cytoplasmically localized active site and translocated through the cytoplasmic membrane one glucose residue at a time [18]. The cellulose-synthesizing activity of BcsA is strongly stimulated by cyclic-di-GMP, which binds to a ...
Traité de protozoologie vétérinaire et comparée Tome 1 Trypanosomes. 1943, Paris: Vigot Frères, 270-278. Google Scholar Mangini PR, Medici EP: Sanitary evaluation of wild populations of Tapirus terrestris at the Pontal do Paranapanema Region, São Paulo State, Brazil. International Tapir ...
The green microalga Monoraphidium sp. has potential for biodiesel production since it grows fast and can accumulate high levels of lipids. However, there i