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Tompson, S.W.; Merriman, B.; Funari, V.A.; Fresquet, M.; Lachman, R.S.; Rimoin, D.L.; Nelson, S.F.; Briggs, M.D.; Cohn, D.H.; Krakow, D. A Recessive Skeletal Dysplasia, SEMD Aggrecan Type, Results from a Missense Mutation Affecting the C-Type Lectin Domain of Aggrecan...
M14 assembly has been deposited in GenBank under the accession QJNR00000000, as part of the BioSample SAMN09254189. the presence of the common nodulation genes nodABC or the nitrogenase genes nifHDK was found using a hidden Markov model based approach. The Ensifer sp. M14 assembly has been...