SP Jain (SPJIMR) Mumbai Cut Off 2024 (Expected) The anticipated CAT cutoff for 2024 at SP Jain is projected to be 85 percentile for general category candidates, with a sectional cutoff expected at 75 percentile. Additionally, SPJIMR, Mumbai provides the option of applying for its GMP course ...
1. The SCE-off sample does not have a simulation of the space charge effect. It gives an estimate of potential efficiency mismodelling due to differences in the SCE between data and MC. Since a sample with increased SCE was not available, the efficiency difference from using the SCE-off ...
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is a widely detected plasticizer and a priority pollutant of utmost concern for its adverse impact on humans, wildlife and the environment. To eliminate such toxic burden, biological processes are the most promising ways
The inclusion of garlic peels in feed improved the hematological parameters of African catfish and makes the fish more resistant to A.hydrophila infection (Hamza et al., 2021). Following the addition of stem and root extracts from Chinese herbs Astragalus sp., some humoral and cellular immune ...
tSattaisttiisctaiclaAl nAanlyalsyissis DDesecsrcipritpivtieveanaanlaylsyesseswwereerecacrarrireidedouotuttotouunndderesrtsatnadndththe esosocicoi-od-dememogorgarpahpihcicchcahraarcatcetreirsitsictiscsofof thtehepapratrictiicpiapnatnst.sT. hTehreerleialibaibliitlyityofotfhteheinitnetrenranlacloc...
The core gene alignment was used to build a maximum likelihood phylogeny with RAxML version 8.2.9 [27] using the following command: raxmlHPC-HYBRID-SSE3-T 5-s input.fasta-N autoMRE-n output-f a-p 12345-x 12345-m GTRCAT. The final tree is the bootstrap best tree following 50 boot...
OInVthboeefastemhcesaudsesides,dntoOhteVafbfecatmthsed TC of the used OV beams did not affect the number of formed spiraltsw. Ion-btehaismst(uadnyO, wtVweoapn-brdoepaamoGse(aautnossOiaVn abnedam use two-beam (an OV and a Gaussian beam with a spherical wavefrreoanlti)zaintitoenrf...
Res. 2021, 12 312 value of more than 98.65% [29], a cut-off to demarcate new species. We know that the conventional low divergence between two 16S rRNA genes from two organisms results in a slight and limited bacterial description [74,75]. Nonetheless, gene 16S rRNA sequence gives us ...
The limit of detection in size was calculated using the cut-off intensity to determine the minimum measurable diameter, which was 18 nm. This value was in agreement with previously published limits of detection in size with quadrupole sp-ICPMS [35]. The median diameter of the PEG AuNPs was ...
The forward primer, 5′-CCATGTATGTTGCCATCCAG-3′, and reverse primer, 3′-GGATAGCATGGGGTAGAGCA-5′ were used for ß-Actin as described previously [67]. Plants in the Steiner treatment were considered as non-treated control. The 2−∆∆CT method [87,88] was used to calculate ...