doi:10.1002/ange.19810931226Colquhoun, Howard MStoddart, J. FraserWilliams, David JWolstenholme, John BZarzycki, RyszardJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Angewandte Chemie
Five α-helices (α1-α5) point the N-terminal edge with their N-terminal ends in a manner so that their electric dipoles stabilize binding to the negatively charged molecule, presumably alkyl-CoA. In our crystal structure, the active site is covered by the CAP subdomain, and no path ...
1965. Intraspha¨rische und extraspha¨rische Komplexe mit Phosphatliganden, Infrarotspektren von Phosphatkomplexen in wa¨sser- iger Lo¨sung. Helv. Chim. Acta. 48:47-54. Buchet, R., I. Jona, and A. Martonosi. 1991. Ca21 release from caged-Ca21 alters the FTIR spectrum of ...
Wettability of fresh chips (chips obtained directly from wood) and chips obtained by mechanical disintegration (M-chips) and thermohydrolytical degradation (T-chips) of particleboards with UF-, PF-resins and binders based on PMDI (polymers of diphe-nylmethandiisocyanates).M. Hameed...
Die Analyse zeigt, dass in solchen Jahren, in denen Hornissen häufig sind, die Wespen eher selten bleiben und umgekehrt (Abb. 2 & 3). Ein Einfluss der Hornissen auf die Wespen ist davon abzuleiten. Welcher Art diese Wirkung ist, kann den Daten nicht entnommen werden.Josef H. ...
All in all, the Clayton procedure is supposed to be a suitable method for surgical correction of symptomatic rheumatoid forefeet. Zusammenfassung$$Ziel der Clayton-Resektionsarthroplastik bei Patienten mit rheumatischem Vorfuß ist die Korrektur der charakteristischen Deformität und somit die ...
The water retention value of dried wood particles (obtained directly from wood) was determined and compared with that of particles obtained by mechanical disintegration (M) or thermo-hydrolytical degradation (T) of UF-bonded particleboards.M. Hameed...
Results (1) Nine patients with MODS caused by severe heat stroke were all exposed in hot and humid environments. All nine patients are severe heat stroke, including seven cases of classic heat stroke (77.8%) and two cases of exertional heat stroke (22.2%). (2) Among nine cases of MODS...
(1998). "Einfluß der Dampfung und Trocknung von Furnieren auf deren Acetylgruppengehalt und die Formaldehydabgabe von Sperrholz," Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 56(2), 121-123.Ҫolakoğlu, G., Ҫolak, S. and Tufekci, M. (1998). Einfluß der Dampfung und Trocknung von ...
The bridging oxalate ions generate wave-like polymeric chains propagating in [001]. The packing is consolidated by N-H O and O-H O hydrogen bonds. One of the water O atoms lies on a crystallographic twofold axis.Pilz, HartmutBiochemische Abteilung de...