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Learn why GE Vernova was selected by the Shapoorji Pallonji Group (SP Group) to supply the power generation equipment for the upcoming 220 MW combined cycle power plant.
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Add-SPCertificateNotificationContact Add-SPClaimTypeMapping Add-SPDatabaseToAvailabilityGroup Add-SPDiagnosticsPerformanceCounter Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance Add-SPInfoPathUserAgent Add-SPPeoplePickerDistributionListSearchDomain Add-SPPeoplePickerSearchADDomain Add-SPPeoplePickerServiceAccountDirectoryPath Add-...
Add-SPCertificateNotificationContact Add-SPClaimTypeMapping Add-SPDatabaseToAvailabilityGroup Add-SPDiagnosticsPerformanceCounter Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance Add-SPInfoPathUserAgent Add-SPPeoplePickerDistributionListSearchDomain Add-SPPeoplePickerSearchADDomain Add-SPPeoplePickerServiceAccountDirectoryPath Add-...
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This cmdlet updates the properties of a managed property. It is typically used to change the name or description of a managed property. SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty represents a managed property in the enterprise search metadata property schema. ...
Business development specialists Collections Controllers Financial analysts Finance assistants Mortgage banking professionals Payroll specialists And many more roles What finance & accounting jobs entail The words “finance and accounting” probably make you think of banks and accounting firms, but there are ...
Add-SPCertificateNotificationContact Add-SPClaimTypeMapping Add-SPDatabaseToAvailabilityGroup Add-SPDiagnosticsPerformanceCounter Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance Add-SPInfoPathUserAgent Add-SPPeoplePickerDistributionListSearchDomain Add-SPPeoplePickerSearchADDomain Add-SPPeoplePickerServiceAccountDirectoryPath Add-...
Add-SPCertificateNotificationContact Add-SPClaimTypeMapping Add-SPDatabaseToAvailabilityGroup Add-SPDiagnosticsPerformanceCounter Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance Add-SPInfoPathUserAgent Add-SPPeoplePickerDistributionListSearchDomain Add-SPPeoplePickerSearchADDomain Add-SPPeoplePickerServiceAccountDirectoryPath Add-...