Looking for online definition of spinifugal in the Medical Dictionary? spinifugal explanation free. What is spinifugal? Meaning of spinifugal medical term. What does spinifugal mean?
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 sple·no·my·e·log·e·nous (splē'nō-mī-ĕ-loj'ĕ-nŭs) Originating in the spleen and bone marrow, denoting a form of leukemia. Synonym(s): splenomedullary. [spleno- + G. myelos, marrow, + -gen, producing] Medical...
Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 1. Comparison of the human and mouse spleens. Three main differences exist between mouse and human spleens. (i) The marginal zone in human spleen lacks a clearly delimited marginal sinus and it is surrounded by an additional perifollicular zone, wher...
In June 2022, a 73-year-old man was admitted to the emergency care unit presenting with sudden fever, confusion, and a deterioration of his general condition. His medical history included laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated with partial laryngectomy and radio-chemotherapy in 2012, and esopha...
Table 1 The most similar type strains with other eight attached bacteria of MF-905 Full size table Co-culture of MF-905 and JXJ CY 53 T with limited bio-available N and P MF-905 was co-cultured with JXJ CY 53 T in modified BG11 media. The initial cell densities of MF-905 and bac...
Battery Built-in 2 hours rechargeable lithium battery, and battery volume display. 4 hours rechargeable lithium battery (optional) Network TCP/IP networking platform, connect with central monitoring system. Wifi central monitoring system (optional) Feature: Ad...
as well as recovery time, to a minimum. Fotona’s proprietaryVSP(Variable Square Pulse) technology in the SP Dynamis can be accurately tuned from varying “cold” ablation to “hot” and non-ablative thermal ratios. Full customizability allows you to precisely attain the clinical outcomes your ...
Full size image Lyophilization is a method used to solve these challenges. By storing the microorganism in a powdered form at a low temperature after freeze-drying, the storage period can be extended, and the stability of the strain can be maintained [22,23,24]. One study reported that free...
Medical Encyclopedia gland1 (glănd) n. 1. a.Any of various organs or cell groups, such as the adrenal glands and the salivary glands, that are of endothelial origin and secrete a substance that is used or excreted by the body.
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. spleen (splēn) n. 1. a. A large, highly vascular lymphoid organ, located in the human body to the left of the stomach below the diaphragm, that serves as a reservoir for blood, destroys old red blood cells, and contains lymphocytes ...