Pioneer SP-BS22-LR 书架音箱 $89.99免运费 历史价 Created with Highcharts 4.0.3最高169.98美元 最低86.99美元by 海淘网haitao.com15.3.1015.3.1015.3.1115.3.1215.3.1515.3.1515.3.1515.3.1515.3.2015.3.2515.3.2715.3.2715.6.1415.6.2215.12.416.8.716.9.1916.9.2916.10.2517.2.917.2.2217.3.1010015050200 ...
SP-BS22-LR MB42X Origin Germany China About the Product High quality home audio doesn't have to break the bank. As proof, Pioneer introduces the SP-BS22-LR bookshelf speakers. Whether you use them as stereo speakers or part of a multi-channel home theater system, their ability to handl...
有,因为他的设计师是TAD的首席设计师,前KEF工程师Andrew Jones. 他设计的TAD旗舰箱子大概70万人民币。然而这个箱子只卖一千不到(按美元直接兑换算)。 以前以为highend调音的低价喇叭只有Focal xs book(小乌托邦设计师),但是先锋这次明显更大牌。先锋这个喇叭大概是xs book的1/3多点,但是只要配个几十块的Lepai lp...
平时到手都要1600多+税大概1800多,也卖过2000的价,现在和单独的杜比全景声反射音箱Pioneer SP-T22A 同样的价1500到手4个声道,价格很实惠了。 同样配置的SP-BS22-LR和SP-T22A拆开买要1500+750=2250元。BS22站内有晒单说效果的。 有意升级体验全景声的玩家可以考虑购入做升级。体会不一样的立体声 ...
I found the original metal grilles rather distinctive. The SP-B22-LR looks much more ordinary, a bit like a cross between Mission and Wharfedale bookshelf models. I slightly preferred the sound with the grilles on—with the SP-BS22-LRs sitting on my Celestion Si stands, the grilles provided...
Also note that the Pioneer also offers the similar SP-PK22BS ($400), which swaps the front tower speakers for bookshelf speakers. It's a little cheaper and the smaller front speakers may be a better fit for some living rooms. However, in most cases, the tower configuration is worth sav...
While I don’t turn up my nose at compact satellite speakers, the SP-BS41-LR is something else entirely. It’s nearly 14 inches tall, earning our monitor designation. According to the manual, it will sound best mounted on a stand 2 feet from the wall. The enclosures curve inward toward...