SPDN Direxion Daily S&P 500 Bear 1X Shares Net Asset Value (NAV) $11.17Nav $+0.19Change +1.77%Change Market Price Closing $11.17Market $+0.19Change +1.73%Change Premium / Discount —Change from Last Day TradingPremium/Discount tool Loading chart... MonthlyQuarterly 1M3MYTD1Y3Y5Y10YSince ...
In recent years, splenomegaly has frequently been discovered on imaging studies of the abdomen performed for other purposes. The presence of a palpable spleen on physical examination is almost always abnormal. The one exception to this rule is a palpable spleen tip in a slender young woman. In ...
The basic premise held the last 10 years by this blog has been to expect higher interest rates (i.e. Treasury yields) and that has been flat wrong for this decade. At one point clients held a 10% position in the TBF (inverse Treasury ETF, not levered though) but it was sold in lat...
08QTD.The item quantity. No negative values are used for returns. The values are always positive. 09ICMS_TOTThe total value of ICMS that is supported by the taxpayer in incoming fiscal documents 10VL_CONFRThe ICMS and ICMS-ST values for outgoing fiscal documents ...
Three big problems dodged for clients over the last few years have been Energy, Retail and Basic Material stocks. Keeping it short today since there was a client breakfast this morning and a client meeting and dinner is scheduled for tonight. ...
The market faced its worst year just two years earlier, plummeting 43% amid the collapse of the U.S. banking system. The last time stocks tumbled nearly that far was in 2008. Forecasting S&P 500 Returns for 2024 Looking back at 2023, we can see that Wall Street’s consensus was far of...
Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP13 Release Notes 25 Product Documentation Product Documentation Web Server 6.1 SP12 is the last release at which the entire documentation set for Web Server 6.1 was updated. Subsequent to the 6.1 SP12 release, updates and corrections to Web Server 6.1 ...
More than a quarter of all years saw better than 20 percent appreciation. And Detrick notes that the S&P 500 advanced 9.5 percent last year — and has never seen two straight years of gains of 5 to 10 percent. So, if the historical odds are against stocks just idling near this level...
houses my OneDrive) which I had shared with an Azure AD security group (giving them "edit" permission via the "Share" dialog). When I went to "Edit User Permissions" and found three permission levels I've never seen before in SharePoint (and I've been working with it f...
annual return ofVanguard Total US Stock Market ETF(VTI) from March 2007 to March 2017 turned out to be 5.7%. According to the most recent quote (10/4/19), the average annual returns over the last 18 years has been 7%, last 15 years has been 9%, and the last 10 years has been ...