Use this calculator to compute the total return, annualized return plus a summary of winning (profitable) and losing (unprofitable) buy and sell combinations using S&P 500 inflation-adjusted (real) monthly price data. S&P 500 inflation-adjusted monthly price data is from ONLINE DATA ROBERT SHILLER...
Below is the monthly history of the S&P 500 Price to Sales ratio. Use the S&P 500 Return Calculator to see the most recent data details. There's a lot of data here – use the accordion below to expand the section and reveal the P/S data. ...
The S&P DCA 500 calculator below provides the nominal and inflation-adjusted total growth (assuming dividend reinvestment) of a monthly investment into U.S. stocks (i.e. the S&P 500) over any time period from January 1871 to the present (see the default “End Month” below for the latest...
S&P Dow Jones Indicesowns and maintains the S&P 500 Index (and the total return calculation). They added the total return index in 1987; before then, you'll have to construct your own index proxy to see how the index has fared. Or, you know – check out the rest of the site. We h...
Since its inception in 1957, the index has seen an annualized average return of about 10%. The S&P is seen as an accurate representation of the U.S. economy; periods of economic growth and recessions are reflected in the index fund throughout history. History of the S&P 500 Though the S&...
See how your portfolio will grow over time with the help of SmartAsset'sInvestment Return and Growth Calculator. Finding a financial advisor doesn't have to be hard.SmartAsset's free toolmatches you with up to three financial advisors in your area, and you can interview your advisor matches ...
The ProShares Short S&P500 (NYSEARCA:SH) provides inverse exposure to a market cap-weighted index of 500 large- and mid-cap U.S. firms selected by the While he is as you say the most overstudied investor there are a lot of things about him and hi...
Consider checking with the SecurityFocus vulnerability calculator. Execute the following: > showrev -p | cut -f2 -d' ' | xargs and then paste it into the window on and select OS version, architecture and hit run. This will probably result in a long list of vulnerabilities...