Firmware I don't want to recompile + reupload to test every change I want to make, therefore I chose to use Klipper for my firmware. Klipper has very active development, a ton of cool features that are missing in Marlin and is in general a lot more easy/quick to work with. Price:...
This will require replacing the firmware on your printer. BL Touch:sensor for the Sovol SV01, CR Touch for CR/Ender-3 V2 Ender-3(Pro) Max /Ender-5(pro)/CR-10 3D Priter which really benefits from a touch probe because of its large build surface. It works very well and has produced...
该板是在 Ender 3 上找到的替代板,下面是使用手册。我买了一个钳形表来测试 SV01 的加热床。床的最大功率是 9.6 A 和 230W,而 Ender 3 床的额定功率是 220W。当达到温度后,它就会在功率为 9.3 A 和 223 W 之间周期性的开启和关闭。测试发现,SV01 上的床在最初加热时会额外增加 0.5 安培。我觉得...
I would have flashed the firmware before contacting the company, but the version of the firmware on the website was 1.1.0, older than the version on the printer I bought and older that the one that sent by the company (1.1.4). I would suggest they update the firmware on the website...
[More Space for Creativity] - Please download the latest firmware for SV04 from the official website of sovol before starting. Sovol SV04 size: 300 x 300 x 400 mm. Larger volume than SV01/SV02. Modular design for quick assembly allows for faster start. ...