For the Soviet Union and Russia, the invader denial is a unique experience. The invasions were almost always officially denied, conducted in a secretive way using various cunning methods, with less or no explanation to own people or outright lies. The term maskirovka the term for military decept...
Rank insignias of Marshal of the Soviet Union The military rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union was established by a decree of the Soviet Cabinet, the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom), on 22 September 1935. Rangul militar de Mareșal al Uniunii Sovietice a fost înființ...
as in some cases entire communities were destroyed, while the ruling powers had different interests in altering the true numbers of particular victims (e.g. the Soviet Union had an interest to lower the numbers of its own genocide victims and inflate those of Nazi Germany). Moreover, the bou...
The history of the military rank of Admiral of the Fleet and Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet How and when the ships were called Glorious Pleiad of Russian admirals N.A. Kalanov "Names of the Russian Submarines" We were Secretly Attacking the United States of "America": Soviet Submariners...