So we think the road of the Soviet Union scollectivization of agriculturewas not a successful socialism road in remaking agriculture. 20世纪20年代末、30年代初,苏联农业集体化运动在指导思想上有过严重错误,错误首先表现在超越生产力水平变革生产关系,在实施过程中又违背了自愿、示范原则,且不顾正面经验和反面...
网络苏联农业集体化 网络释义 1. 苏联农业集体化 苏联农业集体化(agricultural collectivization in the Soviet Union):苏联通过合作社把个体的小农经济改造成为社会主义集体 …|基于9个网页
The Turkmen and Uzbek SSRs joined the Soviet Union in 1925, followed by the Tajik SSR in 1929 and the Kirghiz SSR in 1936. Soviet leaders transformed the majority-Muslim region through forced collectivization of agriculture, which produced devastating famines in 1930s, and the encouragement of Rus...
十九世纪二十年代末,苏联宣布了它的目标,即建立起一个强大的国家和一个强健的经济体,随后,便实施了强制性的农业集体化方案与快速而又危险的工业化方案(programme of breakneck industrialization and forced collectivization of agriculture)。在接下来的十五年里,苏联判处监禁、流放或处决了包括农民、少数民族、知识分子...
NKVD in carrying out the policy of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the collectivization of agriculture, and it reports on the protest movements of the peasantry, on individual and collective protests against collectivization, and the suppression of these movements by punitive bodies. ...
- Establishment of the Soviet Union as a one-party state B. Stalin's Era: - Collectivization of agriculture and Five-Year Plans - Great Purge and political repression -Industrialization and modernization of the USSR C. World War II and the Cold War: - Soviet role in defeating Nazi Germany ...
Tse Ka-kui is associated with the Department of Sociology at the University of Hong Kong. Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Ka-kui, T. Agricultural collectivization and socialist construction: The Soviet Union and China. Dialect Anthropol 2, 199 (...
agriculture and fishing agricultural planning In economic planning: Soviet agricultural planning commercial fishing In Pacific Ocean: Fisheries farm management In farm management: Soviet Union land reclamation In land reclamation: Reclamation of arid land land reform In land reform: Modern European reforms ...
The first Five-Year Plan focused on collectivizing agriculture and rapid industrialization. Subsequent Five-Year Plans focused on the production of armaments and military build-up. Between 1928 and 1940, Stalin enforced the collectivization of the agricultural sector. Rural peasants were forced to ...
Stalin considered Russia behind the rest of the world in industry and technology by 50 years. To close this gap, he sought to modernize the Soviet Union by enforcing rapid industrialization. He also pushed for forced collectivization of agriculture, seizing millions of farms to create a labor for...