WW2 Soviet Prototypes Vetchinkin’s Tracked Amphibious Boat – G.K.A. 1500 Soviet Union (1942) Amphibious Light Tank/Armored Personnel Carrier – None Built The idea of amphibious armored vehicles appeared concurrently with the creation of the first tanks. With the first prototypes appearing at ...
WW2 Soviet Fake Tanks Twin-Turret BT Tank “BT-4” or “BT-VT” (Fake Tank) Soviet Union (1932) Light Tank – Fake Multi-Turreted Madness: The “BT-4” or “BT-VT” Multi-turreted tanks and Interwar tank development are subjects that go hand in hand. Armored vehicles of the era,...
as it provides a hands-on experience in building and understanding the mechanics of WW2 military equipment. The set is recommended for a wide age range, from 4-6 years to 18+, making it a versatile gift for any occasion. The set's compact size and lightweight design make it easy to st...
So more had to be done to help Arab countries to destroy Israel. On 1969 16 transport ships from Mykolaiv (Nikolayev) Ukraine were sent to Egypt unloading the anti-air missiles and equipment. The special ant air weapons were 125 “Pechora” (“Neva”), ZSI-23-4 “Shilka” and anti-ai...
Buy here Soviet Army Hats, USSR Uniforms, Ushanka Hats, Winter Uniform, Jacket, Berets, WWII Badges, Winter Army Hats, Soviet Army Uniforms, Boots, T-shirts, Vests, Airsoft Equipment, Belts, Red Army WW2 and WWI stuff. The most popular tactical suit GOR
The latter six vehicles all had full squads of infantry, heavy firepower, ATGMs, HMGs, a couple of light mortars and complete and total artillery supremacy. What he didn't like were those forests, the heights of the mountains, and the fact that attempts to drop amnesty leaflets...
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most tanks during ww2 were unreliable and required heavy maintenance constantly. those that weren’t knocked out in their first day of battle that is. i am not missing the vital role of shermans and t34s, i fully agree they allowed the infantry to move comfortably vs the german troops, ...