The Soviet overseas military complex started to break up in 1989-1990 when the Soviet Army had to abandon the East Germany and rest of the Eastern Europe following the fall of the local communist regimes. The break down continued as the Soviet Union collapsed and in 1994 the...
As a correspondent for the magazine Vokrug Sveta (Around the World) he journeyed to the most exotic fringes of the Soviet Union, and as a simultaneous interpreter he traveled in Europe and the USA. “Asimov greeted me with a handshake, Harlan Ellison chatted with me, I heard [Clifford] Sim...
It is true that there were different solutions put forward to answer Europe’s ‘Jewish problem’. It is also true that like all movements in history, Zionism started as a minority. But the question between Zionism and the Bundists was categorically answered in the 1940’s. The Bundists wer...
when President Ronald Reagan dubbed the Soviet Union an “evil empire”. The official press agency TASS accused Reagan of “thinking only in terms of confrontation and bellicose, lunatic anti-communism”. Further deterioration occurred as a result of the September...
A subsequent section will uncover how the environmental security paradigm has contributed to the policies of environmental appeasement, before presenting the case studies of East–West environmental security: water politics in the Aral basin and nuclear safety in Eastern Europe and the former USSR. A ...