Science cities emerged in the USSR almost immediately after World War II. The main impetus for their development was the development of nuclear weapons. Nevertheless, in the Soviet Union there were not only closed cities involved...
True Germanyball - Joined the Warsaw Pact after WWII and part of the Soviet sphere of influence, so nice! But what's with your market economy? Markets are capitalist, and incompatible with the socialist revolution! Still can't hate yuo, yuo of do good. Communist Polandball - We killed Naz...
WW2 Soviet Prototypes Vetchinkin’s Tracked Amphibious Boat – G.K.A. 1500 Soviet Union (1942) Amphibious Light Tank/Armored Personnel Carrier – None Built The idea of amphibious armored vehicles appeared concurrently with the creation of the first tanks. With the first prototypes appearing at ...
It was designed to replace the BMD-1 but failed to do so completely because of a production curtailed in 1991 with the Soviet economy collapse. It could be transported by the An-12, An-22, Il-76, An-124 and Mi-6, Mi-26 helicopters which like its predecessor, which gave it a ...
clergy were closely entwined with the Tsar and maintenance of the monarchy, as well as latching onto other ideals that conflicted with the new goals of the state. While the religious themselves were not stamped out (with some status returned after WW2), their authority over the masses was ...
After WW2 Soviet Union contributed to the rise of Mao Zedong in China and kept its presence in Mongolia. After death of Stalin Mao Zedong was not in approval of Nikita Khrushchev new policies. The relations between two communist powers worsened to a point of armed conflict i...
The Union of Sovereign Soviet Republics (USSR) (Russian: СоюзСуверенныхСоветскихРеспублик, СССР (Soyuz Suverennykh Sovetskikh Respublik, SSSR); also known as Neo-Sov or Neo-Soviets) is an energy and military superpo
Iran refused to expel German citizens from the country many of them had the influence on Iranian economy and industry. In May 1941 the UK had taken over Iraq and now the Soviet Union was an ally. It was decided that German-Iranian alliance must be prevented at all costs, However, Iran ...
There were two main “SuperPowers” after WW2 • Many countries in Europe were weak due to WW1 & WW2 • The USA was a world-wide creditor and supplier of goods. Largest economy in the world. Also had great technology and military…and nuclear bombs. • Soviet Union (USSR) had ...
What did Russia gain from ww2? After World War II, the Soviet Unionextended its control into Eastern Europe. It took over the governments in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania and Yugoslavia. Is Soviet Union Russia?