Library system settles federal lawsuit; The Southwest Wisconsin Library System agrees to pay former director $27,000KEVIN MURPHY
Define southwester. southwester synonyms, southwester pronunciation, southwester translation, English dictionary definition of southwester. also sou'·west·er n. 1. A storm or gale blowing from the southwest. 2. A waterproof hat of material such as plas
Wisconsin libraries get state aid; Southwest Wisconsin Library System facilities will share $360,000CRAIG REBER
De Geoffroy J, Wu SM, Heins RW (1970) Some observations on springs in southwest Wisconsin. Water Resour Res 6(4):1235–1238De Geoffroy, J., Wu, S.M., and Heins, R.W., 1970, Some observations on springs in southwest Wisconsin: Water Resources Research, v.6, no. 4, p.1235-1238...