Whether you love or hate flying Southwest, free checked bags is always a nice perk. Understand the weight restrictions and policies to avoid any surprise fees.
Maximum weight: 50 pounds or 23 kilograms Are there fees for baggage on Southwest Airlines (WN)? Yes, fees might apply if you want to check more than two bags. The first two bags checked are fee free. If you are an active U S military personnel and/or dependent then additional bags m...
Southwest’s fee increase appears to be part of a larger trend in the airline industry to rely on ancillary fees for revenue rather than increasing ticket prices. Though Southwest maintains its two free bags policy within weight limits, the added fees have effectively layered in new costs. Consu...
a set of poles and one pair of ski/snowboard boots. You can put everything in one bag. However, even if the equipment is packed separately and spans two bags, it still counts as one bag toward your allowance. For golf bags and surfboard bags, weight limits do apply. ...
Up to 2 bags (1 set of equipment) are allowed to count as 1 item, even if packed separately Excess size charges waived; excess weight charges may apply Water ski equipment Excess size charges waived; excess weight charges may apply ...
Bags fly free®!In addition to two free bags for all, military Customers traveling on active duty will be exempt from the two-piece baggage limit.2,3 Ourdedicated Military and Government Teamprovides Southwest Hospitality and Customer Service for all aspects of government travel. ...
Luckily, Southwest lets bags fly for free, as long as you follow its basic guidelines, which include the number of bags, the bag's weight, and theluggage size limit. Make sure you're also up on the airline's policy regarding check-in times when flying with checked bags, for both domes...
15.1. Ticketing Time Limit (TTL) for GDS bookings will have tickets expire at 11:59 PM local time, NEXT DAY (not next business day). 15.1.1. Note: For voiding tickets, Ticket Agents will have the ability to void until 11:59 PM local time the following business day. 15.2. Fare rule...
Once it’s your turn in line, scan your boarding pass at the kiosk and select the number of bags you are checking. Then, show your ID to the Southwest agent, place your bags on the scale to check their weight and you’re on your way!
Southwest stood their ground and refused to follow the trend, instead launching their Bags Fly Free campaign offering everyone first and second free checked bags within a weight limit on all flights. Additionally, Southwest has no change fare fees. Passengers are only responsible for the difference...