Define southwester. southwester synonyms, southwester pronunciation, southwester translation, English dictionary definition of southwester. also sou'·west·er n. 1. A storm or gale blowing from the southwest. 2. A waterproof hat of material such as plas
Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest *人力有限且学校数量众多,如校名翻译有误请直接联系续航老师修改 学校性质:私立非盈利(4年制) 宗教信仰:主教新教(Protestant Episcopal) 现任校长:Cynthia Kittredge (Dean and President) 学校网址 ...
SOUTHWEST BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.Features the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Founder of the seminary; Specification of banquet facilities; Accommodation offered to the conference participants.EBSCO_bspMeetings & Conventions...
Southwestern Association of Technical Accident Investigators, Inc. Southwestern Association of Toxicologists Southwestern at Memphis Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Southwestern Barrel Cactus Southwestern Bell Southwestern Bell Communications Corp. ▼...
University of Texas Medical Branch University of Texas, Arlington University of Texas, Austin University of Texas, El Paso University of Texas, San Antonio University of Texas, Tyler University of Texas-PanAmerican University of Tokyo University of Toledo ...