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From Unraveling:“…educational psychologist Ronald Beghetto calls “creative mortifica-tion,” a phrase so evocative I will carry it to my grave: it’s when you are shamed or just too harshly critiqued for your efforts, so you put down the pencil or the paintbrush or the baseball bat or...
American Hero Neil Armstrong placed his left foot upon the moon at 10:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time… Tucsonan Stan Shupe remembers sitting in Connie Mack Stadium in Philadelphia attending his first major league baseball game when it was announced that Neil Armstrong, a US Astronaut, just stepped ...
On January 30, some of them also wrote that no photographs were going to appear that day; or even if it happened, it would not, HK Golden would not the first to do so; and besides, elementary/middle school children and mainland netizens should not be there anyway. On the afternoon of...
The city's museums cover everything from the history of jazz music to a celebration of African American baseball players. Once a trading post for pioneers heading to the Western United States, today Kansas City is a burgeoning metropolis with activities and attractions for visitors of all a...
Red Rockson June 26. But Fernandez has been dreaming about performing at Destination: Red Rocks long before 2017. “My first introduction to Red Rocks was anIncubusDVD that I bought in middle school,” he says. “I remember seeing how beautiful it looked and how beautiful it would be to ...