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Southern Africa has one of the longest records of fossil hominins and harbours the largest human genetic diversity in the world. Yet, despite its relevance for human origins and spread around the globe, the formation and processes of its gene pool in the past are still largely unknown. Here,...
In Fennoscandia the granitic component of the AMCG suite with characteristic rapakivi texture has been the subject of numerous petrogenetic studies. An overview has been presented by Rämö and Haapala (1995). Rapakivi granites, defined as A-type granites nowadays, form a few major exposed ba...
Instead, communities and social formations must begin to build networks of influence and action that will drive existing institutions towards the desired end state. Deploying this strategy at the local and regional scale, through building citizen science networks and collaborative programmes between ...
Spatiotemporal dispersal pattern of land forests in southcentral Euramerican landmass during the Devonian. Vascular plant occurrence is summarized by taxa (specific-level), time (Emsian to Famennian ages), and space (state, province, and/or country). Circle size indicates stratigraphic distribution: ...
More than 50 people were killed in Sao Paulo state this year after massive downpours caused landslides and flooding. The colonial-era city of Petropolis near Rio de Janeiro and Bahia state has suffered similar disasters, as well as Santa Catarina, a state neighboring Rio Grande ...
(chshwang@ India-Asia collision was at 24uN and 50 Ma: palaeomagnetic proof from southernmost Asia Jun Meng1, Chengshan Wang1, Xixi Zhao2, Rob Coe2, Yalin Li1 & David Finn2 1State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology (China University of Geosciences), ...