新的南白犀Southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)寶寶! 6月2日下午17時左右,在遊客見證下,法國的波格爾野生動物園Safari de Peaugres迎來1頭南白犀寶寶的誕生。由於妊娠期長達16個月,計算...
What is the southern white rhinoceros? The southern white rhino and northern white rhino are subspecies of the white rhino. Aside from living in different parts of Africa, theydiffer slightlyin the shape of their teeth and heads, appearance of skin folds, and amount of hair. In general, sout...
We found that southern white rhino pant calls provide reliable information about the caller's sex, age class and social situation. Playback experiments on wild territorial southern white rhinoceros males revealed that they responded more strongly to the pant calls of conspecific females compared to ...
Dietary survey of captive southern white rhinoceros populations (Ceratotherium simum)Soler, D
Southern white rhinoceros: population analysisRockwell, R
The long and short-term landscape preference of white rhinoceros in the southern Kruger NationarPark are investigated. A preference index and a chi-square test are used to ascertain if white rhinoceros prefer or avoid a particular landscape. Landscape 3 (moderately undulating granitoid plains with ...
A newly born southern white rhinoceros is seen in a pen in the Singapore Zoo on Dec. 27, 2019. The Singapore Zoo welcomed its 24th southern white rhinoceros baby which was borned on Dec 19, 2019. (Xinhua/Then Chih Wey) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next ...
A Florida zoo has announced the birth of a southern white rhinoceros, the eighth to be born in Tampa as part of a plan to help the species. Officials at ZooTampa at Lowry Park said the baby was born to a 20-year-old rhino named Alake this month. The female calf has not been named...
The North Carolina Zoo announced the death of Natalie, a 30-year-old southern white rhinoceros who was euthanized on January 10, 2023, following a period of declining health. According to an organizational release,1zookeepers remarked that Natalie had a “personality that matched her big 4,000...
What we see a return to in this protective era, is a globally important hotspot for marine biodiversity, especially known for breaching humpback whales, abundant seals and sea lions, a large and diverse seabird population and the hunting grounds of great white sharks. ...