The Don Shadow Award of Excellence, named for the first recipient, Don O. Shadow, Shadow Nursery, Winchester, TN, is presented to an individual, corporation or organization that has provided exemplary service, leadership and generosity in the development, promotion and use of new and improved la...
800 years, obtained from core MD07-3088 during the upper Holocene, are similar to those obtained during the Middle Holocene and are in agreement with other studies carried out along the SEP margin, as well in the SO, which have revealed no changes in regional Rsurf during this period19–...
Previous investigations showed that interpretation of the tectonic setting and genesis of K-bentonites may be achieved by magmatic and tectonic discrimination diagrams (Winchester and Floyd, 1977; Floyd and Winchester, 1978; Huff and Türkmenolu, 1981; Merriman and Roberts, 1990; Huff et al., ...