Southern Technical College offers programs in Allied Health, Technical Trades, Nursing, and Veterinary Assisting. Contact us now to learn more!
Southern Technical College offers degrees and certificates in 6 different fields, listed below. Popular programs include: Welding Technology/Welder, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and Medical/Clinical Assistant. Programs with a check-mark were offered in 2020-2021 and at least one degree was ...
Students receiving grant or scholarship aid 88%$5,972 average Students receiving Pell Grants 82%$4,465 average Students receiving federal student loans 83%$6,706 average Previous:Degrees and Certificates Next:Overview Create an Account Create a free account to save articles, sign up for newsletters...
Southern Crescent Technical College was awarded 153 badges in the 2024 rankings. The highest ranked major at the school is allied health professions.Explore Best Ranked Schools for You Explore the best ranked schools for the programs you are most interested in. I WANT TO STUDY MAJORING IN Vie...
Southern Technical College Retention Rate 53%Freshmen Retention Rate Below AverageRetention Rate Freshmen retention rate refers to the percentage of first-time / full-time students who return for their second year. With 53% students making it past their freshmen year, Southern Technical College has ...
Southern Union State Community College, an open admission, public two-year college and member of the Alabama Community College System, provides quality and relevant teaching and learning in academic, technical, and health science programs that are affordable, accessible, equitable, and responsive to th...
南加大于2000年获时代杂志(Time Magazine)被评选为年度风云大学(College of the Year)。根据卡内基教育基金会2005年公布的大学分类,南加大被归类为特高研究型大学(very high research activity)。在美国4383所高等学府中,只有96所获得此项分类。 南加大亦是新近的诺贝尔化学奖得主、洛克碳氢研究所所长George Olah...
Pasadena City College Laser Technology Program Students completing the program in Laser Technology will learn the scientific principles of optics, fiber-optics, and lasers. Laser and Photonics Technology instructors lead hands-on, laboratory-driven classes, utilizing state-of-the-art industrial equipment,...
Free Technical College/Trades Student Loan Forgiveness Teacher’s Salaries/No School Choice Police Improvement/Community Partnership Assault Weapons Ban Homeownership Money Bail/Prison Reform Top Superpower/Good Global Leader Ukraine W.W. III/Male and Female Military Draft Regional Money Issues: MATEE-Mil...
Southern Maine Technical College Southern Maine Theatre Academy Southern Maine Volkssport Association Southern Maine Youth Football League Southern Mallee District Council Southern Management Association Southern Marin Emergency Medical Paramedic System Southern Marin Fire Protection District ...