"Southern Slavery as it Wasn't: Coming to Grips with Neo-Confederate Historical Misinformation" assesses the historical revisionism of neo-ConfederateRamsey, William L.Quinlan, Sean M.Social Science Electronic PublishingSee, e.g., James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy, The South Was Right...
How is it that a pervasively Christian culture could have supported slavery? While opposing the South's abuses and racism, this essay seeks to correct some of the gross slanders of that culture. It explains Scripture's defense of a form of slavery against evangelicals who are embarrassed by...
Following the French Revolution and the abolition of royalty, the island was renamed “Reunion,” in reference to the reunion of the Parisian and Marseillais revolutionaries. Despite a mutiny of the slaves in St. Leu in 1811, slavery was not abolished until 1848. Sugar cane was introduced to ...
Furthermore, the capriciousness of these rationales, which was confirmed by historical evidence, proved that American slavery was simply another example of "might makes right." Like other forms of tyranny, it was determined by the desire and ability of the strong to oppress the weak. As a ...
At the time of the Pollard murder, lingering memories of slavery and resentment over the South's recent defeat rendered most African Americans accused of murdering a white woman guilty in the eyes of the community, without the benefit of judge or jury. As a mob embodying the very real ...
Class solidarity was built on the bedrock of white superiority to which most white Southerners subscribed. As contemporary Southerner William Cabell Rives proclaimed, "It is not a question of slavery at all; it is a question of race." Therefore planters necessarily blurred class lines for whites...
The term Deep South includes the states of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana and Mississippi plus the PanhandleofFlorida.FortheStatesoftheDeepSouthslaverywasanimperativeelementforthe economicstructureofthestateeconomy. LowerSouth: AtermwiththealikemeaningoftheDeepSouth. UpperSouth: FortheUpper...
历史与记忆《押沙龙,押沙龙!》中的两个南方History and memory of the two southerners in Absalom, Absalom!.pdf,分类号 密级 学校代码 10542 学号 2QQ墨Q墨Q2QQ22 in and TwoSouths HistoryMemory:the Absalom,Absalom! 历史与记·Iz:《押沙龙,押沙龙!》 中的两个南方
aIn the presidential election of 1860, the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against the expansion of slavery beyond the states in which it already existed. The Republican victory in that election resulted in seven Southern states declaring their secession from the Union even...
“It’s high time for us to recognize that slavery happened on plantations in Rhode Island and decide that we don’t want that chapter of our history to be a proud part of our name,” said Rep. Joseph Almeida, an African-American lawmaker who sponsored the bill. ...