通过碧山预订,价格跟酒店官网一样,不过您可以额外享受以下专属会员服务: 房态允许情况下,优先升级(仅限从Flinders Suite升级到Ocean Retreat) 每日免费双人早餐 房态允许情况下,可提前入住和延迟退房 赠送50美元水疗券和50美元Bespoke Experience券 免费Wi-Fi 预定咨询: 请添加旅行定制师碧山君微信:beshan-wildchina ...
Southern Ocean Lodge坐落于南澳大利亚袋鼠岛的西南海滨,毗邻僻静且风景如画的汉森湾(Hanson Bay)。酒店依地形而建,藏身于一个40米高的悬崖后面。透过酒店宽大的落地玻璃窗,在室内便可以欣赏到广阔的太平洋海景和原始丛林的风光。 从外面看,Southern Ocean Lodge的整个建筑已经与汉森湾美丽的海景、沙滩和田野景致完美融合...
Southern Ocean Lodge is Australia’s first true luxury lodge. They're not just accommodation for Kangaroo Island but instead offer an exclusive travel experience for your holiday getaway.
The article features Southern Ocean Lodge, one of the top new hotels in the world for 2008. It is located in Kangaroo Island, South Australia. The hotel has a contemporary desig. The 21 suites cascade down a ragged cliff overlooking Hanson Bay. The...
#酒店# 澳大利亚Southern Ocean Lodge 沿着南澳袋鼠岛的西南海岸而建,大海和沙滩在这里演绎着野性之美。
.luxurylodgesofaustralia.au/southernoceanlodge SouthernOceanLodge HansonBay,KangarooIsland SouthAustralia 预订电话:+61(0)299184355 reserve@baillielodges.au 在南大洋别墅,奢华与自然融为一 体,并擦出了火花……大胆、前 卫,堪称绿野仙踪之王。南大洋 别墅真的像一只不折不扣地的双筒 望远镜,带您领略这个美得...
南大洋酒店是澳大利亚高端酒店品牌贝利(Ballie Lodge)投资1500万澳元建造的集环保、生态、奢华等元素于一体的高端酒店,坐落于南澳大利亚袋鼠岛(Kangaroo Island)的西南海滨,毗邻僻静且风景如画的汉森湾(Hanson Bay)。酒店依地形而建,远远望去,就像一条钻石项链,兀自闪
Southern Ocean Lodge Hanson Bay Wildlife Sanctuary5.9公里 Discovery Parks - Kangaroo Island6.73公里 Kelly Hill Caves7.77公里 旗舰拱门8.47公里 Hanson Bay Beach1.99公里 神奇岩石7.7公里 Hanson Bay2.51公里 凯利山保育公园7.76公里 Flinders Chase Visitor Centre8.3公里 ...
After almost four years in the planning, design and construction, Baillie Lodges flagship property Southern Ocean Lodge has today reopened on the wildly beautiful south coast of South Australia’s Kangaroo Island.
Southern Ocean Lodge, Australia Baillie Lodges flagship property Southern Ocean Lodge has reopened on the south coast of South Australia’s Kangaroo Island. The property features 23 luxurious suites along the coastline boasting uninterrupted views of the Southern Ocean and rolling coastal wilderness. All...