Cloud and aerosol are two important modulators that influence the solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface. It is intriguing to find diverse impacts of clouds and aerosols over Southern China (SC) and Northern India (NI) which result in remarkable differences in the plane-of-array irradiance...
And surely, they wouldn’t seriously be trying to suggest that the transect from Hobart to the French station is a suitable proxy for all the variations in wind intensity and thermocline in the entire southern ocean, would they? Lukesays February 19, 2008 at 10:18 pm Actually they are just...
understanding of the pivotal role of the polar ocean in future climate changes and to facilitate the future model developments, we investigate and document the robustness, uncertainty, and improvements in the historical simulations and projections of the Southern Hemisphere subpolar gyres in CMIP3 (Cou...
Sea Wind: Bull Ocean Voice Int 11:1–140 Google Scholar Macchi PJ, Cussac VE, Alonso MF, Denegri MA (1999) Predation relationships between introduced salmonids and the native fish fauna in lakes and reservoirs in northern Patagonia. Ecol Freshwater Fish 8:227–236 Article Google Scholar ...
The ocean basin between the Eastern and Western Blocks was not completely closed during 2,090–1,880 Ma and was still in a subduction setting. The formation time of the crystalline basement in the Trans-North China Block should be delayed to 1,880 Ma....
Passage through India: the Mozambique Ocean suture, high-pressure and Palghat– Cauvery Shear Zone system. Terra Nova 19, 141–147. D'Cruz, E., Nair, P.K.R., Prasannakumar, V., 2000. Palghat gap – a dextral shear zone from the South Indian Granulite Terrain. Gondwana Research 3 (1...
Roughly 80% of plastic produced and mismanaged on land through inadequate waste management,“leaks” into aquatic and ocean ecosystems (Derraik, 2002). On land, plastic accounts for about 10% of mass of human waste (Barnes et al., 2009), in the oceans plastic pollution corresponds to 60-...
Towards the west of the cordillera, in the coastal plains, one rainy season occurs from December to April, which is mainly modulated by the Pacific Ocean sea surface influence, especially by the region Nino 1+2, and by the evolution of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). In the ...
Most of the mentioned works consider ultramafic rocks of the Kempirsay massif as restites from partial melting of the fertile lherzolites in the upper mantle of the Uralian paleo-ocean. The formation of dunites and chromitites is associated either with percolation through restite harzburgites of ...
In this study, SA is the part of the African continental territory located south of the equator, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, to the West, and the Indian Ocean, to the East (Figure 1a), to simplify the data analysis and results’ plots. According to the Köppen–Geiger ...