From the cross-section profiles, it is noticed that the bottom of A0 at the coast is governed by organic clay deposited in a marsh and swampy environment [20]. The permeable formations, such as gravel, are high in the SW part (alluvial fan) and sand is high in both SW and the coast...
We then assessed the association between NSES and both dependent variables (counts of unhealthy outlets and distance to the nearest unhealthy outlet). To model the counts of unhealthy food outlets, we used a multilevel negative binomial regression model. We used a negative binomial regression (...
Coastal wetlands include all tidal and subtidal lands, all lands with vegetation present that is tolerant of salt water and occurs primarily in a saltwater or estuarine habitat, and any swamp, marsh, bog, beach, flat or other contiguous low land that is subject to tidal action during the ...