An invasive predator eradication campaign is planned for 2024 on Amsterdam Island, one of world’s top priority island for seabird conservation. In order to monitor the effects on seabird colonies post-eradication, a survey of burrow-nesting species and population monitoring of albatrosses, penguins...
to demonstrate this fervor but pointedly devalues their economic attachments to slavery, writing, “Both of them, and a million of their non-slaveholding like, had a still stronger social prompting: the white men’s ways must prevail; the Negroes must be kept innocuous.” Phillips rejects out...
Numbers of colony forming units (cfu) were manually enumerated for each plate, while green and yellow colonies with different sizes and shapes were picked with a sterile tooth pick and streaked onto marine 2216E Agar (Hopebiol, Qingdao, China) plates to obtain pure bacterial cultures for ...
A centerpiece in the debate is the extent to which those institutions impeded or facilitated long-term economic development and scholars commonly distinguish between settler and non-settler colonies. In this paper we claim that level and type of inequality mattered more than the origin of the ...
and socioeconomic contexts of the Global North and colonial metropole during the final two decades of the19th centuryand first decade of the20th centurydoes not capture the life-world and experiences of the former colonies of the Global South. Connell (2013, p. 9) asserts that “sociology was...
The prioritization of resource extraction in colonial policy in Africa has established lasting power hierarchies between former colonizers and colonies in the global economy, reinforced by the international aid regime and processes of public–private re-territorialization across communal lands (Catley et...
Goldstein PS (2005) Andean diaspora: the Tiwanaku colonies and the origins of South American empire. University Press of Florida, Gainesville Google Scholar Johns AM (2017) The richness of food: a zooarchaeological analysis of Huaca Santa Clara and Huaca Gallinazo, north coast of Peru. Dissert...
The term Deep South includes the states of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana and Mississippi plus the PanhandleofFlorida.FortheStatesoftheDeepSouthslaverywasanimperativeelementforthe economicstructureofthestateeconomy. LowerSouth: AtermwiththealikemeaningoftheDeepSouth. UpperSouth: FortheUpper...
A majority of the older migrants who currently live in western Europe arrived before the early 1970s as labour migrants, or from neighbouring countries or former colonies [1]. We know that many years after migration, older migrants in Europe tend to be disadvantaged relative to non-migrants in...
The SCA was used to individually harvest colonies and subculture them. It has been discovered that a number of characteristics are unique to the colonies, including variations in the shape, color, and level of diffusible pigment. For 5–14 days, samples were incubated at 28° C in SCA ...