An invasive predator eradication campaign is planned for 2024 on Amsterdam Island, one of world’s top priority island for seabird conservation. In order to monitor the effects on seabird colonies post-eradication, a survey of burrow-nesting species and population monitoring of albatrosses, penguins...
activities in São Tomé and explores the interactions and debates between different actors (the local governor, humanitarian organizations, the Portuguese and Biafran authorities). The article also analyses programmes implemented on the island and their impact on the local socioeconomic context. São...
A self-described field economist, Polly Hill combined conventional economic surveys with ethnographic inquiries to collect information on the economic activities and circumstances of West African farmers and small-scale entrepreneurs, and used them to critically re-examine mid-twentieth-century theories of...
In 1850 there were approximately twenty independent societies occupying what is today South Africa. By the close of the century, this entire region was made up of the two Boer republics and the two British colonies, the Cape Colony and Natal. All the formerly independent Khoesan and Bantu-spea...
Humans use fire as part of household economic activities. Ethnographic information about how, when, and why people have used fire in a particular place, as well as their observations and memories surrounding historic fire events, can reveal specifics about climate, vegetation, and historic ...
A method and article for the identification of colonies of microbes involves the use of a reconstitutable dry culture medium plate in combination with a transfer membrane. Microbe-specific antigen can be extracted from the surface of the growth medium of the plate and its presence determined, e....
The study was conducted in 2008 at the apiary of College of Agriculture , Karbala University to determine outside and inside activities of honey bee, Apis mellifera L. , colonies during the period of sharp decline which usually extends from c. mid - June to c. mid - October and find out...
– Dec. Individual colonies Eucalyptus stands (plantation) June – July Grazing lawns likely burned in Feb. to improve forage Open savanna, wooded savanna, open woodland Varies with need, poaching activities affect frequency Burning for snare lines might occur Depends on purpose anytime Sura ...
established trading outposts and colonies in Southern Asia. The British East India Company gradually expanded its control over Indian territories, exploiting resources and implementing colonial policies that led to economic exploitation and social upheaval. The Portuguese controlled territories like Goa, the...
austrocedri is homothallic (self-fertile) and forms abundant sexually produced oospores in colonies growing on V8 agar [9]. The negative association found between the disease and the mean annual precipitation could be an artifact related to the distribution of urbanization in the study area, ...