A teenage boy was airlifted off a beach in Southern California after he was attacked by a shark. It happened at Beacon's Beach in Encinitas. Carter Evans reports.
The literature on shark attacks in freshwaters of southern Iran is reviewed and 11 attacks with 3 fatalities recorded from local informants for the period 1953 to 1985. The species of shark responsible is probably the bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, whose presence in the Tigris River is ...
Nonetheless, for the past ten years, shark attacks (mostly bull and tiger sharks) at beaches have given Reunion Island a bad reputation. “But it only happened to bathers and surfers, not divers. I just do not see sharks underwater,” said Laurent. Whenever an accident or a fatality ...
There have been plenty of shark attacks near Africa and Australia. This feature on Submarine or any shark for that matter should be based on the facts and if any ACTUAL footage exists, have that be included. If it needs a little embellishment to be added in to make it exciting, state ...
00:36 Good Samaritans foil two kidnappings miles apart in Michigan 01:48 Kayakers’ close encounter with great white shark caught on camera 02:26 Magnitude 4.4 earthquake rattles millions in Southern California 01:56 Watch: Whale capsizes boat, sending 2 fishermen into the water ...
In some areas, such as Southern California and Seattle, Washington, local governments are encouraging companies to start telecommuting programs in order to reduce rush-hour congestion and improve air quality. But these benefits do not come easily. Making a telecommuting program work requires careful ...
The literature on shark attacks in freshwaters of southern Iran is reviewed and 11 attacks with 3 fatalities recorded from local informants for the period 1953 to 1985. Hie species of shark...Coad, Brian W.National Museum of Natural SciencesPapahn, Frough...