Dispersal of mites from groundcover plants into trees was found to be highly variable within and between orchards. Within orchard dispersal appeared to be related to the distribution and abundance of category 3 host plants in the orchard. Variability between orchards may also be affected by ground...
We found that the duration of tree cultivation did not alter tree farm soil C pools; however, recalcitrant C pools were twice as high when interspace groundcover increased from 35 to 70%. Total, active, slow, and recalcitrant soil C pools were highest in forests compared with pastures and ...
ground squirrel and kangaroo rat. Birds include hawks, eagles, owls, quail, mourning dove, mockingbird, jays, gulls, herons, crows, finches and sparrows. Species of concern include cactus wren, California gnatcatcher, Bell’s vireo, foothill and mountain yellow-legged frog, orange-throated whiptai...
Reconstructing southern Paiute-Chemehuevi trails in the Mojave desert of southern Nevada and California: Ethnographic perspectives from the 1930s In Las Vegas Valley the phrase "liquid gold" means neither oil nor money; it suggests water. In the twentieth century Las Vegas became one of the leas...
Previous research found forest canopy controls understory flora by modifying understory environments and resource availability by competing with understory plants for resources both above and below ground23,24,25. Giesbrecht et al. stated that overstory structure drives fine-scale spatial structure in the...
The Indigenous Kichwa Saraguro people of southern Ecuador have long relied on traditional burning to manage their environment. However, their traditional use of fire in one of the most important ecosystems in southern Ecuador, the herbaceous paramo, is n
to analyse the effects of the successional stage (before the fire, and three and fifteen months afterwards), the context (fragmented grassland or continuous grassland), and the size of the areas (small, intermediate, or large), on the cover of native and exotic plants and of bare ground. ...
Hagekhalil has championed efforts to safeguard Southern California against climate change-fueled drying trends by investing in more resilient local water supplies, including captured stormwater, cleaned-up groundwater and recycled wastewater. That’s led some environmentalists t...
the estimated Kp line, you are in the right spot. You might even be in luck if you are located within next higher line, but you will have to look lower on the horizon. Be aware though, ground based light pollution and weather will have a greater impact at these more marginal locations...
This brings present weather pattern shifts in the high-mountain areas, with increased continentality, progressing frozen ground thaw as well as seasonal environmental changes due to earlier springs that altogether contribute to activated erosion, landslides, soil cover degradation and pristine biotopes’ ...