Seattle, Wash. Detroit, Mich. Los Angeles, Calif. Source: Allied US Migration Report Governor calls North Carolina the “epicenter of clean energy” In the spring quarter, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper said that the Tar Heel State is the center of clean energy. From the Triad Business Jo...
Know what they wear to church in Seattle? Fleece. Mom rocking one of her many hats. Most folks at my dad’s church never really bothered with hats. Perhaps covering one’s head is one of the lesser-known Baptist sins. I suppose wearing a fancy hat might tempt folks into a festive moo...
it’s because I made the mistake of introducing Seattle folks togreen bean bundles. Now they’ve become my price of admission to all Thanksgiving gatherings. These fussy sweet and savory bundles are only slightly less challenging than dealing with duck. If I tried to make both dishes, I’d...
Driving around Seattle the other day, a wave of nostalgia washed over me when I spotted someone’s front door decorated with a black sign featuring large red letters that said: POSTED. NO TRESPASSING. Shame on me. After a decade of living in a land where the sternest warning to strangers...