The Baptist Faith and Message (2000)is the doctrinal statement which reflects our core doctrinal beliefs. EQUIP We exist to equip churches and believers to fulfill their mission of spreading the Gospel. ENABLE We desire to enable church to fulfill their mission locally and globally. ...
This dissertation was conducted for the purpose of discovering more effective means for Southern Baptist International Mission Board (IMB) church planting missionaries to accomplish the task of indigenous church planting, specifically, among Chinese Malaysians. For over fifteen years, the author has ...
At Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Ga., where Carter taught Sunday school, 10 percent of the budget went to mission work - 5 percent to Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and 5 percent to the Southern Baptist Convention’s mission work, Carter said. ‘’Our church is still a...
Harmony Heights is Southern Baptist Church that loves people and wants to be of service to our community. The first word of our name “Harmony” amplifies what we believe the Bible says that Christians should be like.
platform with emerging church leaders such as Alan Hirsch and Francis Chan and focusing on social justice and “missional” (i.e, the “new” emerging missiology); and in March 2014, Platt shared a platform with New Age sympathizer Leonard Sweet at the North Carolina Baptist Mission Conference...
“In these troublesome and turbulent times, we need a pastor-preacher-prophet that will stand in the gap and lead with confident, consistent, convictional, Christo-centric, courageous courtesy,” Williams, pastor of Nazarene Baptist Church in Philadelphia, wrote in a statement announcing his intent...
To put things in perspective of how diverse a denomination the SBC is, the largest Lutheran body in America, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), consists of about 9,000 churches.There are more minority ethnic Southern Baptist churches than the entire number of ELCA churches. Simp...
Southern Baptists as prominent as W.A. Criswell, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, began to shift from a qualified pro-choice view to fully embrace the pro-life position. Following the Roe v. Wade decision, news sources reported that Criswell said, “I have always felt that it ...
John the Baptist Parish. MISSISSIPPI Swiss manufacturer Liebherr locating in Tupelo, Miss. Liebherr, one of the largest manufacturers of construction equipment in the world, is locating distribution and manufacturing operations in Lee County. The project represents a corporate investment of $176 ...
The Church of Morris Dees When a hate crime is something to love The Southern Poverty Law Center: A Twisted Definition of Hate The truth about 'hate crimes' and the racial justice racket Good News: SPLC loses $50 Million. Bad news: $PLC can afford it ...