This event includes Asian-inspired food and beverages, vibrant decor, and cultural performances. Anime Los Angeles Ontario Convention Center Anime Los Angeles: This event, which will take place from January 9 to 12, 2025, at the Ontario Convention Center, will gather anime enthusiasts and feature...
It’s popular with the after-church crowd on Sundays and I was standing in a long line waiting to order take-out on a recent Sunday afternoon. I was masked and trying to stay socially distanced, standing against a wall near the door and leaving enough room to let people pass. There was...
Cathedral Church of the Advent, Birmingham Fortunately, there are still distinctive old church buildings in the northside city center of downtown Birmingham with congregations founded within a year or two of the 1871 founding of the city. The Cathedral Church of the Advent, an 1883 Gothic sandsto...
First Report of Neofusicoccum parvum Associated with Stem Canker and Dieback of Asian Pear Trees in Taiwan. Plant Dis. 2010, 94, 1062. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Choi, S.; Paul, N.C.; Lee, K.-H.; Kim, H.-J.; Sang, H. Morphology, Molecular Phylogeny, and Pathogenic...