The patterns of peaking and steady states, however, are very similar at different water contents. In fact, regardless of dry densities, the lower the water contents, the higher overall collapsibility is shown. The collapsibility peaks with pressure reaching around 500 kpa and flattens off straight...
ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact (Nadal et al.2005). The hazard quotient (HQ) developed by the United States’ Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA2000a;b) has long been used to quantify the possible health risk associated with long-term exposure to hazardous metals in various media....
On the SE coast, Charleston Harbor is the eighth largest port in the United States with contaminant profiles that reflect its urban setting, shipping activity, as well as industrial past (Van Dolah et al., 2006, Van Dolah et al., 2008). In contrast, the ACE Basin is a National Estuarine...