Southeastern Archaeological Research.(PENSACOLA)Crane, Charlotte
The region of the Paraná Delta has received renewed archaeological interest, in particular in relation to the Goya-Malabrigo archaeological entity (Cerutti2003; Politis and Bonomo2012) and the archaeology of complex hunter-gatherers adapted to the lower Paraná River wetlands. Although the region was...
Preliminary Archaeological Research at the Salem/Darling site, southeastern Connecticut.Perry, Warren RSawyer, Gerald
In 2017/2018, two seasons of archaeological surveys were undertaken in Lejja, southeastern Nigeria. The aim of the archaeological field work was to systematically sample the area to locate archaeological sites, scatters of artefacts, features; and to characterize and record these findings. A ...
This sector creates jobs, drives exports, and generates prosperity in the world, and thus has a fundamental role in the analysis of the macro-dimension. The analysis of the economic impact of tourism could be performed through the following key indicators: • Tourism's direct contribution to ...