SEAC 2024 The official app of the 2024 Southeastern Archaeological Conference in Williamsburg, VA. for iPhone & iPad for Android Seesoutheasternarchaeology.orgfor more information.
Southeastern Archaeological Conferencedoi:10.1080/2052546.1985.11909277"Southeastern Archaeological Conference." Plains Anthropologist, 30(108), p. 148InformaworldPlains Anthropologist
Southeastern Archaeological Conference Southeastern Area Monitoring and Assessment Program SouthEastern Arizona Behavioral Health Services Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory Southeastern Arizona Emergency Medical Services Southeastern Asia Southeastern Asia Southeastern Association for Community College Research Southeastern...
In: Bauerochse A, Haßmann H (eds) Peatlands, archaeological sites—archives of nature—nature conservation—wise use. Proceedings of the peatland conference 2002 in Hannover, Germany. Verlag Leidorf GmbH (Rahden/Westf), Hannover, Germany, pp 179–187 Bond J, Fuller E, Jackson L, Roots ...
This study focused on fluoride (F−) concentrations, its distributions in groundwater of Southeastern Algeria region, and its removal using locally pr
ological Conference Handbook of Pottery Types Found in Mississippi (Southeastern Archaeological ConferenceHandbook of Pottery Types Found in Mississippi (Southeastern Archaeological ConferenceBettye Broyleseds. Robert M. Thorne
Newsletter of the Southeastern Archaeological ConferenceSouth, Stanley AHudson, J. PaulFairbanks, Charles HBinford, Lewis RWebb, Clarence HPowell, B. BruceCotter, John L
Pawel Wolf, heading the German expedition at Hamadab (Western Butana, Sudan) and Wuqro (Tigray, northern Ethiopia), sees no archaeological evidence for direct contacts between the Meroitic state and the Indian Ocean trade network. He does, however, believe that there was more indirect east–wes...
Archaeological/cultural heritage—A0–A10 Many civilizations have occupied the land of Jordan throughout history due to the importance of its position as a crossroads between Asia, Africa, and Europe; nonetheless, the present state is relatively young, having emerged following the fall of the Ottoman...