Kansas City, Missouri. Associated Press journalists Seth Borenstein in New York; Jeff Amy in Atlanta; Russ Bynum in Valdosta, Georgia; Danica Coto in San Juan, Puerto Rico; Andrea Rodríguez in Havana; Mark Stevenson and María Verza in Mexico City; and Claire Rush in Portland, Oregon, ...
When I asked them if they know about the potential impacts of the dam, a fisher replied: “I cannot foresee what will happen if the Don Sahong dam is completed. The officials said nothing is going to harm our life. However, I am worried about the reduction in fishing.” Dam developers ...
This pattern of localised foraging on salmon within rivers has also been observed in harbour seals in Oregon (Wright et al. 2007). Our results imply that seals are foraging on salmon within the Tay River or estuary in close proximity to the haul-out sites. Our method assumes that the ...
Large areas of the Pacific coast of the Americas remain unstudied regarding their intertidal ecosystems. Given the increasing disturbance related to human impacts on intertidal ecosystems, it is essential to gather census data on the biological compositi