The article reports on the formation of the League of Southeastern Credit Unions which combines Florida and Alabama Credit Union Leagues. Its president and chief executive officer (CEO) Patrick La Pine notes that the league has two ...
Island Soccer League Island South of Miami Island southeast asia island sparing Island Special Constabulary Force Island State Credit Union Island Syndrome Island Taekwon-Do Centre Island Tenants on the Rise Island Tennis Ball Association Island Trees Public Library Island universe Island universe Island ...
Another cemetery that has been lost to time is the La Blue cemetery, which may have been a part of Spell Cemetery on Caswell Road. It is located between Spell Cemetery and the Dupont Credit Union (yes, under the highway). When you drive north over the LNVA Canal, you are driving over...
Boot Blown Over At WYHY Federal Credit Union It took a powerful gust of wind to blow over the boot at WYHY Federal Credit Union. Uprooted Tree Destroys Fence Tina Miller McGinty Uprooted Tree Destroys Fence You might not think the wind could be strong enough to uproot a tree like this,...
Another cemetery that has been lost to time is the La Blue cemetery, which may have been a part of Spell Cemetery on Caswell Road. It is located between Spell Cemetery and the Dupont Credit Union (yes, under the highway). When you drive north over the LNVA Canal, you are driving over...
We went to a spinal surgeon today who told us that the chance of doing any surgery and having it have any effect on Jim's spine would be like the Dr. hitting a home run on a pitch thrown by a major league pitcher. In other words the odds are not in Jim's favor!
Our popular work-life integration initiatives saw us recognised as one of the Best Companies for Mums by the National Trade Union Congress. We also contributed the S$3 million we received from the Singapore government under the Wage Credit Scheme to 1,500 eligible employees. Our strong ...
McDonald's grandfather, Denny Wranich Sr., is the former president of the Sagemont-Beverly Hills Little League and currently serves as the president of the Sagemont Cowboys, where he has been involved for 25 years. Following in his family's footsteps, McDon- ald also coached for the ...