The volume of pathways (e.g., foundation cracks/holes, uncapped sumps) allowing Rn seepage into the dwelling controls the largest portion, 23 percent, of the explained data variance. The residence water source explains 11 percent of the Rn data variance. Groundwater Rn levels contribute to the...
35. Holt KE, Wertheim H, Zadoks RN, Baker S, Whitehouse CA, Dance D, et al. Genomic analysis of diversity, population structure, virulence, and antimicrobial resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae, an urgent threat to public health. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015;112:E3574–81. 36. Lam...
While the courts have generally afforded jails latitude in determining appropriate care, the American College of Physicians recently affirmed that jails and prisons should provide “timely access to necessary healthcare services” and that care should be “consistent with that provided to community-based...
Carrow RN (1991) Turfgrass water use, drought resistance and rooting patterns in the Southeast. ERC-01-91. Environ Res Center Georgia Inst of Tech, Atlanta, GA. and the College of Agricultural Environmental Science, University of Georgia, AthensCarrow R N.Trufgrass water use, drought resistance...
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease Review Lymphatic Filariasis in Mainland Southeast Asia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prevalence and Disease Burden Benjamin F. R. Dickson 1,*, Patricia M. Graves 2 ID and William J. McBride 3 1 College of Medicine & Dentistry, James Cook ...
[34], considering four energy balance field experiments involving different thermohydrological conditions in Brazil: RN = (1 − α0)RG − aLτsw (4) where τsw is the shortwave atmosphere transmissivity defined as 44% of RG to the incident solar radiation at the top of atmosphere [27] ...